General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This notice describes how we collect and use your personal data submitted to us online, by email, on paper or face-to-face, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and associated data protection legislation. We will only process personal data as necessary for the performance of such research being carried out in the public interest. This is known under data protection law as our ‘legal basis’ for processing personal data. (Articles 6(1) (e) and 9(2)(j) under General Data Protection Regulation.)

 We will provide NHS Digital with first and last name, Date of Birth and NHS number of UK ACST-2 study participants thereby allowing them to provide us with information on  mortality data (date and cause of death) from the Personal Demographics Service dataset held by NHS Digital. The ONS Mortality is provided by NHS digital on behalf of ONS and is sourced from Civil Registration Data.

This information received from NHS Digital (which is patient identifiable data) will be imported into an existing, empty ACST-2 database held securely by The University of Oxford (Data Controller), and used solely for academic research purposes by the study team in Oxford.


The University of Oxford is the “data controller" for the information that you provide to us. This means that we decide how to use it and are responsible for looking after it in accordance with the GDPR.


The University’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

The University's full Privacy Policy can be found on the University Website.


Access to your personal data within the University will be provided to those staff who need to view it as part of their work.

Importantly, whilst the information received is specific to each trial participant, no individual person will be identifiable in any publication arising from this work. Furthermore, the ACST-2 database will not be shared with organisations outside of the University of Oxford and only accredited researchers in ACST-2 group, CTSU, University of Oxford will have access to the data.

Anonymous results of the study may be made available to ACST collaborators and relevant bone fide researchers according to the Nuffield Depart of Population Health (NDPH), University of Oxford data sharing policy: 

If participants decide they do not want their study data to be linked in this way they can withdraw from this follow-up, without affecting their current medical care, by contacting the ACST trials office:


or  Tel: +44 (0)1865 61 79 79 between 9am-4pm on weekdays

ACST-2 Personal Data Privacy Notice